WARNING: This is for porn lover only. If you feel disgusted by me, sorry - please ignore this.
Always before we download a new porn, we need to check the comment or the rating of the porn. But with the help of this new website I just discovered, you can read reviews of the pornstar, the updated news of your favorite pornstars and the introduction of the newcomer to porn industry!!! Isn't this great??
I know you pervs are all excited now. Go check it out!! Bet you're gonna love it!!!
Friday, July 30, 2010
I hate hitz.fm!!!

Imagine in the morning when everyone gets stuck in the traffic for at least 45 minutes, hitz.fm plays a maximum of 10 songs in its list. Lunch time, hitz.fm is playing the same 10 songs again. After work and stuck in traffic jam for at least 45 minutes again, hitz.fm plays the same fucking 10 songs again! We have to listen to these fucking 10 so-called-latest-fucking-hot hits for at least 2-3 times a day for the weekdays.
Hooray! Finally it's Friday but when we stepped in the club - OMG it's the hitz.fm's list again and all the bad emotions (such as getting queue cut by "cut queue sohai") are coming back to me again!! This is like a classical conditioning. We get pissed in the traffic and listening to the same 10 songs. We get stressed after working like dogs and yet listening to the same 10 songs. Now I wanna fucking relax in the club but I have to fucking listen to the same 10 songs!! And these 10 songs reminded me how much working sucks and I get emo in the club =(
So fuck you hitz.fm!! Please play other songs!!!!!!!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Google vs Facebook

Salute to Henry Ford

Japanese are greedy and ambitious. They slowly introduced cheaper and better cars to the market and slowly took over the automobile industry. General Motor and Chrysler were eliminated in this game after the financial crisis in 2008. But Ford is the sole American survivor in this game. So how should he play the game?

Once again, salute to Henry Ford!! Ford is no longer fast only rolling downhill =)
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Don't ask me who invented this word - Don't-give-a-fuckism - but this is a fucking real word. So what is "Don't-give-a-fuckism? Don't-give-a-fuckism is an ism concerned mainly with not giving a fuck." from Wikipedia. (Told you, i ain't kidding).
Funny that when I see someone using "anonymous" and commented "i don't give a fuck". This blog is all about talking cock. I understand people get offended sometimes by all these cock talks. You can either bullshit me back or fucking ignore and fuck off. If you don't wanna give a fuck, please DON'T GIVE A FUCKING FUCK and stay the fuck off from my blog.
By the way, using as "anonymous" is a fucking ball-less act and all anonymous will be deleted. To all "i -don't-give-a-fuck-anonymous", here is a big FUCK YOU. I write this fucking blog and I decide whose comments get to stay, not you!! Sue me, bitch!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Hooray Salam Satu Malaysia

(Oh fuck, we are supposed to talk about Satu Malaysia not comparing West vs East. This is not NBA)

I love Malaysian government. Salam Satu Malaysia!!!!!!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Goldman Sachs Sucks!!

However, Goldman Sachs has been accused involving in frauds. The firm has reached a settlement with Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) after months of trials in US court and the firm agreed to pay $550 million as fine a.k.a. "saman".

The whole Malaysia income in the year 2009 (a.k.a. GDP) was $220 billion. And the fine itself is roughly 1/400 of the whole Malaysia income! This is a huge number for a firm to pay a fine. And, in fact, this is the largest fine ever given by the SEC to a financial firm.
However, I believe that this fine is too generous for Goldman Sachs. Last year, Goldman has profited $13.39 billion in that fiscal year itself. This means that Goldman Sachs earns $36.7 million per day. $550 million of fine is equal to only 14 days of its profits. Also, we should not forget that Goldman Sachs profited $5 billion (from $71.6 billion to $76.6 billion) as their stock price increased after the settlement was announced last Thursday. So what is $550 million for Goldman Sachs? NOTHING!

p/s: Goldman Sachs has a very ugly logo because this firm is formed since 1869. It used to be my dream company and is still my dream company. Please forgive my unethical behavior.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Another One Reason We Have Traffuckic Jam
My little Confession Before Writing the Real Shit
One very important reason that we have traffic jam is because WE HAVE FEMALE DRIVERS!!!! Yea right, female drivers cause a lot problems such as accidents that lead to traffic jam and you gotta agree with me. The reasons are as follow:
Super Hot Female

OMG where are you focusing at, guys? I know she's hot but you gotta stay focus and concentrate to drive! I know it's hard to stay focus when you saw a hot girl driving alone. Your eyes will automatically focus on her wearing, her boobs, her face, her legs etc but guys, stay fucking focus on the damn road!! Most of the time, hot female drivers cause unnecessary accidents and then we have traffic jams.
Solution: Jerk off and drink some coffee before you drive. Jerking off makes you less horny and coffee makes you stay awake and focus.
Pretty Wannabe Female
I know you're not pretty but you wanna be one. Believe me, putting on cosmetic will not as effective as going for plastic surgery. Plastic surgery might cost some money but remember this - you need to pay only once and cosmetic surgery is like interest from loan sharks - you gotta pay every month! When girls putting on cosmetic, 99% focus will be on their face and 1% left for the hot male driver who just passes by. "Should I put on more lipstick?" "Does this color of the lipstick match my shirt?" "My eyelashes look fake, gotta buy a new one!" etc.....
Solution: Go for a plastic surgery.
Yes pondan is included as female because they are not included as male. When guys look at pondan, the first thing they will do - OMG WTF BBQ and close their eyes to avoid looking at them for another second. And BAMMM!! The car crashes into the car in front. When girls look at pondan, they will do - OMG WTF BBQ I THINK I'M PRETTY THAN HER and syok sendiri for 10 second without focusing on the road. And BAMMM!!! The car crashes into the car in front.
Solution: Pondan, please wear mask or just get a better plastic surgery, thanks!
Penguin has so limited view when they have to wear such bulky stuff. Also, penguins tend not to stay very focus when they are driving. "Umm what day is today? Tuesday? Phew, luckily it's not my turn to fuck that old small dick and I could try the new dildo I bought!" "Fuck, it's Wednesday!! I hate sucking an eraser!" "Oh shit, I forgot the prayer (eyes close) Allahwallakaka wakakakakakaka salam...."
Solution: Believe in Jesus Christ and he will bring to heaven too!! And you don't get to share your husband!!!
Easily Shocked Female
OMG WTF BBQ was that?? I am so shocked!!!!!!" "OMG WTF BBQ!!! Why you just stopped suddenly???!?!?!" These kind of female drivers reacted with 100x emotions with tiny little thing. They tend to brake and stop the whole car for any tiny thing happens even at the most usual situation. They can stop their car without any warning. If you are driving near these drivers, you'd better avoid them!
Solution: SHOUT louder than them to make them shut up!
Emo Female
Girls tend to be more emo than guys. "Omg I'm so high today!!!" "Fuck the bitch that look at my bf!!" "What should I say to that hot guy to make him fuck me?" When girls get emo, the driving get emo'ed and follow their emotional. When they get high, they drive fast. When they get sad, they drive fast. End up - dying fast.
Solution: Take birth control pills. It helps to lower your estrogen and progesterone and make you less emo.
Speed Hater
I believe all girls hate things to be done fast. This is because they cannot handle speed and they do not enjoy the speed (look at how they perform in bed). For guys, the faster the better. For girls, the slower the better. So when girls had to drive a machine that moves that fast (>5kph, normal walking speed), they cannot handle the speed.
Solution: Learn how to handle the speed and live with it!! Fast is always better =)
- I am such a fool not to include this reason when I evaluated the reasons why we have traffic jam.
- I am not saying a traffic jam in particular area but traffic jam as a whole in this planet.
- I must confess that I am NOT a sexist.
- I beg all the readers that agree with me please post a comment agreeing on it (this will help to improve the situation here).
- What I'm saying here is all my personal opinion - which means you can counterfuck me all you want.
One very important reason that we have traffic jam is because WE HAVE FEMALE DRIVERS!!!! Yea right, female drivers cause a lot problems such as accidents that lead to traffic jam and you gotta agree with me. The reasons are as follow:
Super Hot Female

Solution: Jerk off and drink some coffee before you drive. Jerking off makes you less horny and coffee makes you stay awake and focus.
Pretty Wannabe Female

Solution: Go for a plastic surgery.

Solution: Pondan, please wear mask or just get a better plastic surgery, thanks!

Solution: Believe in Jesus Christ and he will bring to heaven too!! And you don't get to share your husband!!!
Easily Shocked Female

Solution: SHOUT louder than them to make them shut up!
Emo Female

Solution: Take birth control pills. It helps to lower your estrogen and progesterone and make you less emo.
Speed Hater

Solution: Learn how to handle the speed and live with it!! Fast is always better =)
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Why do we have Traffuckic Jam in Kuala Lumpur
One of the biggest problems of having cars is dealing with the traffic jam. If you pronounce traffic jam (Tra - fuck - it - jam) slowly, you will realize how traffic jam fucks up our daily life. We might wonder what causes traffic jam in Malaysia. Cars too many? Roads too small? Everyone just happens to work at the same time? Let me explain what causes traffic jam (at least in my opinion, yea):
The Cut Queue Sohai
These cut queue sohai's are fucking irresponsible and selfish. They think only their time is time, others time is not time. We wait long long at the back there, they just cut in. Sometimes cannot cut in, then block all the cars behind at the other lane that not suppose to wait.
Solution: Put very sharp nails before the divider so that they will get intimidated to cut queue.
The 10 Years Construction
It's common to take 10 years to finish the constructions in Malaysia. Before election, the parti parti propose to build this build that. So they start to build the pillar and put some fences there to block the whole road. After election, the construction progress totally halts. Wait for 5 years until the moment right before the next election, the parti parti continues with their constructions. "Yea, we'll finish building this after we got elected!" Okay, after they got elected, constructions got halted too. Wait for another 5 years right before the election, "Okay, we will complete this construction!!" So now they must finish the constructions before proposing another 10 years project. And the cycle goes on....... and the road will be blocked for 10 years and 10 years and another 10 years and go on............
Solution: Fuck the government!
Mat Rempit
Mat Rempit are hardcore X game fans. They can do "superman", "no hand", "one wheel" all kind tricks. And even better, they do it on highways. They always race here race there, do stunts here do stunts there. One mistake = accident = traffic jam for the whole highway. Seriously, if they want to die, then just kill themselves. Please do kill other people before killing yourself, you there motherfuckerempit.
Solution: If you driving car and see mat rempit, hit them with your car before they hit you! This is called first move advantage!
Blind Fucktards
These fucktards are fucking inconsiderate. Although the traffic light is green, it is impossible for them to cross the junction before the light turns red. But these fucktards thought, "Nevermind lar, just 1 second only.. They can wait 1 second then they can move already.. No problem lar!" But the fact is they got jammed for 20-30 seconds and the other lane that suppose to go can cross the junction although it's green light. So when it's the other lane's turn, they did the same thing too! "Fuck lar, just now green light 20 sec but those jibai block there. Now I go block them too!" Therefore, the whole junction got jammed so fucking badly.
Solution: Hit those blind fucktard with your car when the light is green. By law, you are suppose to go and they are stopping at the yellow lines = you win!
Malaysian Smart Police
Malaysian police are damn smart. They can do lanjiao magic - 5 lanes become 1 lane for no purpose. If they see you use emergency lane, then it's their "kopi time"!! They purposely cause problems to the innocent drivers. So much free time do lanjiao stuff, but no time to catch mat rempit.
Solution: Give them more money to drink "kopi" if you got caught. So that they can hit their monthly target with less lanjiao operations.
Too Many Tolls
I don't underfuckingstand why Malaysia has so many tolls. First, oil price in Malaysia is NOT cheap!! Even USA has cheaper oil than Malaysia, an oil producing country. Second, cars in Malaysia is fucking expensive. x3 of the price due to the tax to protect our national useless cars - fucking Proton and Perodua. Third, our road tax is not cheap too. Fourth and most importantly, even if we have to pay for the tolls, we still stuck in the traffic jam. So WHY THE FUCK YOU BUILD A HIGHWAY THAT HAS TRAFFUCKIC JAM 24/7 AND CHARGE US FOR IT???
Solution: Fuck the government too!!

These cut queue sohai's are fucking irresponsible and selfish. They think only their time is time, others time is not time. We wait long long at the back there, they just cut in. Sometimes cannot cut in, then block all the cars behind at the other lane that not suppose to wait.
Solution: Put very sharp nails before the divider so that they will get intimidated to cut queue.

It's common to take 10 years to finish the constructions in Malaysia. Before election, the parti parti propose to build this build that. So they start to build the pillar and put some fences there to block the whole road. After election, the construction progress totally halts. Wait for 5 years until the moment right before the next election, the parti parti continues with their constructions. "Yea, we'll finish building this after we got elected!" Okay, after they got elected, constructions got halted too. Wait for another 5 years right before the election, "Okay, we will complete this construction!!" So now they must finish the constructions before proposing another 10 years project. And the cycle goes on....... and the road will be blocked for 10 years and 10 years and another 10 years and go on............
Solution: Fuck the government!

Mat Rempit are hardcore X game fans. They can do "superman", "no hand", "one wheel" all kind tricks. And even better, they do it on highways. They always race here race there, do stunts here do stunts there. One mistake = accident = traffic jam for the whole highway. Seriously, if they want to die, then just kill themselves. Please do kill other people before killing yourself, you there motherfuckerempit.
Solution: If you driving car and see mat rempit, hit them with your car before they hit you! This is called first move advantage!

These fucktards are fucking inconsiderate. Although the traffic light is green, it is impossible for them to cross the junction before the light turns red. But these fucktards thought, "Nevermind lar, just 1 second only.. They can wait 1 second then they can move already.. No problem lar!" But the fact is they got jammed for 20-30 seconds and the other lane that suppose to go can cross the junction although it's green light. So when it's the other lane's turn, they did the same thing too! "Fuck lar, just now green light 20 sec but those jibai block there. Now I go block them too!" Therefore, the whole junction got jammed so fucking badly.
Solution: Hit those blind fucktard with your car when the light is green. By law, you are suppose to go and they are stopping at the yellow lines = you win!

Malaysian police are damn smart. They can do lanjiao magic - 5 lanes become 1 lane for no purpose. If they see you use emergency lane, then it's their "kopi time"!! They purposely cause problems to the innocent drivers. So much free time do lanjiao stuff, but no time to catch mat rempit.
Solution: Give them more money to drink "kopi" if you got caught. So that they can hit their monthly target with less lanjiao operations.

I don't underfuckingstand why Malaysia has so many tolls. First, oil price in Malaysia is NOT cheap!! Even USA has cheaper oil than Malaysia, an oil producing country. Second, cars in Malaysia is fucking expensive. x3 of the price due to the tax to protect our national useless cars - fucking Proton and Perodua. Third, our road tax is not cheap too. Fourth and most importantly, even if we have to pay for the tolls, we still stuck in the traffic jam. So WHY THE FUCK YOU BUILD A HIGHWAY THAT HAS TRAFFUCKIC JAM 24/7 AND CHARGE US FOR IT???
Solution: Fuck the government too!!
Paul - The Oracletopus
How can you be correct 12 times out of 14 the predictions on football matches? No human has done it before but yes, we have an octopus, named Paul, that actually did it. Besides guessing wrong twice in the Euro Cup in 2008, Paul had 100% correct prediction over the football matches in FIFA World Cup 2010. Oh my god, it's 8 out 8! If it's 50/50 chances to predict the winner, then the chances for Paul to make all these predictions are 1/28 = 0.0039, or 0.39%!!!
Are you fucking kidding me??? Why the fuck didn't I follow Paul's prediction in this FIFA World Cup?? I could have made millions! It's true, I could have made millions but I wouldn't because first of all, I will NEVER bet on football matches.
If everyone still remembers the final between Spain and Netherlands, Spain won 1-0 in overtime. Oh my god!! Paul is fucking correct again but football gamblers did not win a single cent in this match. This is because the bet can be interpreted as "Spain will win the match in 90 minutes or you lose your fucking money". So who's the winner? Paul and the casinos/mafias.
This is how it works - Paul is given two identical food with two flags of the country that are competing before the football match. Paul usually (12/14) chooses the food with the flag of the winner of the match.
It's simple to explain that why Paul can never go wrong because the choosing of the food is NOT its predictions but its choices of the winner. No matter which country Paul chooses, the casino/mafias will control the football match and let the chosen country win the match.
This is not hard to be seen. Last Euro Cup Final, Paul made the wrong prediction. People believed in Paul because he was the "oracle" and had the heaviest bet in the final game. A simple "mistake" in the final game by Paul caused billions of dollars of profits to the casinos/mafias. People won't stop believing in Paul just because of this small mistake it made because it has the correct prediction consistently.
Before FIFA World Cup Final, Paul has made 7 straights correct prediction. "Wow, this Paul must be the gambling God! Let's have my final bet in this world cup. Umm let's gamble half of my assets," the gamblers thought. But Spain and Netherlands had a tie game in 90 min and the gamblers lost all of their money. Still, Paul made the correct prediction but the gamblers lose money. As long as casinos/mafias forbid Spain and Netherlands to have a winner in full time, they can make billions of money again!
We all know how the casinos/mafias control the football world. So y'all gamblers out there, HAIL TO PAUL THE ORACLETOPUS!!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
the Three Kings in Miami

San Antonio, Spurs

Tim Duncan is undisputable the best old school forward/center in this decade. His moves are always solid and reliable (except for his free throw, no one is flawless right?) in both ends. Backdown leads into a hook, a layup or a dunk = 20 points with 60% field goal + 10 rebounds.
At the same time, Tony Parker has the quickness to drive through ANY defender. "I'm going left, I'm going right, no I'm going left again, umm no right... left.... sorry see ya!!" <-- These are his crazy crossover moves. Allen Iverson probably doesn't handle the ball as good as this Frenchman right here. Manu Ginobili, the left handed dude, can do crossover, step back 3 pointer OR crossover, layup with his left hand there.
And we have players who do the dirty work (aka Dirty Crews). Bruce Bowen - a lock down 1 on 1 defender that can guard 1 to 4. Robert Horry - the Big Shot Rob that always makes the most critical 3 pointers. Michael Finley - used to be one of the Mavericks Big 3 (Finley, Nowitzki, Nash).
And this = 3 Championship!
Boston, Celtic

Kevin Garnett is a 7 footer shooting guard that plays FUCKING intense defense. He knocks down 20 foot jumpers, fade away and sometimes 3 pointers. He is EVERYWHERE in the defensive end and brings the emotion to the team in defensive end. He has a "Defense Aura" around him that gives his teammates +20% defense.
Paul Pierce. Ugly moves but effective. I have no comment about him because I do not like him. He has a sexy voice though. Probably he can be a R&B singer after he retire as a player. Ray Allen is the motherfucker. He has the best shooting form that you can imagine. Lightning fast quick release jumper and 3 pointers. He is the best pure shooter that you can ever have.
And the dirty crews are:
Glen "Baby" Davis and Kendrick Perkins - two fat men who plays intense defense and solid rebounding. Thanks to Garnett's "Defense Aura".
Ranja Rondo, perhaps the best point guard right now. Sorry Steve Nash, sorry Chris Paul, sorry Derron William. Not you, yes you were but Ranja Rondo IS the best!
Doc Rivers, the head coach, who has a sick annoying voice. The players were like "Okay, let's do this! We gotta do better to avoid a timeout to listen to this annoying fuck voice."
And this = 1 Championship + 2 rounds of NBA Final in 3 years
Miami, Heat

But I don't see the big picture of a championship team. Heat Big 3 can beat ANY Big 3 in a 3 on 3 basketball but hell this is NBA, it's 5 on 5!
Where is the dirty crews? None.....

Pat Riley gotta do something to this team such as bringing in the dirty crews and more importantly coming down to the bench and be the head coach instead of having Erik Spoelstra as their head coach.
Or else, the talent of the Three Kings will be wasted.
Bringing top players into a team doesn't guarantee championship but it does guarantee sales of jerseys and tickets. Sometimes, four 0.8 players can be very effective too (Detroit Piston). Sometimes, two 1.5 players are enough to kick yer ass (Lakers with Shaq and Kobe and Heat with Shaq and Wade). Sometimes, one 1.99 player (you know I mean who) is better than Big 3.
Nonetheless, this season will be very entertaining and the road to be a champ again is harder and harder....
Friday, July 9, 2010
The Legacy of Eye Pea Man

USA got Spiderman, Japan got Ultraman, even Malaysia got Cicakman. China is the best at imitation, how can they miss out to create a "man" of their own. So Donnie Yen comes to rescue the Chinese, we have "Eye Pea" Man!!

Secondly, his English name is "IPMAN" = Eye Pea Man?? Hell yea~~
Apple? Seriously? Think Twice!
I used to be an anti Apple dude because I hate learning new things. Also, in Malaysia, Apple is very expensive and it's hard to get fixed if there is a problem. After studying in US, I was exposed to all the benefits of using Apple - Thanks to extreme advertising and word of mouth. 3 years after brainwashed by Apple's hardcore fans and advertisement, I am a Apple's fan now and I am ditching my 17" giant ass Dell laptop! Now, I wanna buy a Macbook Pro!
Apple used to an underdog in Silicon Valley. In few years time, Steve Job turned his mini Apple into a giant Apple that is able to compete with giants like Microsoft! Apple dominated the laptop, phone, mp3 player and also undefined new gadgets (such as i-touch and i-pad).
I don't know what happen to Steve Job and his employees - perhaps this is what we called C-O-C-K-Y-N-E-S-S - Apple is producing SHIT product. Now have a look at Steve Job's genius plan!

Imat? Seriously? I know this is a joke but hey - why the hell you produce something bigger and producing less such as ipad? Ok perhaps this is the trend you are looking at. What about the latest iphone 4? Complains after complains about iphone 4 and the admins deny all these complains?
Yea Apple's moto was "Think Different" when they were the underdog. They take complains and critics like a man, challenge them with their next product. Where is this Apple attitude now? Gone after their success. If they want to achieve better, they need to adjust their attitude.
Macbook Pro was the shit, but ipad and iphone 4 is a piece of shit. I believe in the near future, China will produce Orange and kick Apple's ass.
Apple used to an underdog in Silicon Valley. In few years time, Steve Job turned his mini Apple into a giant Apple that is able to compete with giants like Microsoft! Apple dominated the laptop, phone, mp3 player and also undefined new gadgets (such as i-touch and i-pad).
I don't know what happen to Steve Job and his employees - perhaps this is what we called C-O-C-K-Y-N-E-S-S - Apple is producing SHIT product. Now have a look at Steve Job's genius plan!

Imat? Seriously? I know this is a joke but hey - why the hell you produce something bigger and producing less such as ipad? Ok perhaps this is the trend you are looking at. What about the latest iphone 4? Complains after complains about iphone 4 and the admins deny all these complains?
Yea Apple's moto was "Think Different" when they were the underdog. They take complains and critics like a man, challenge them with their next product. Where is this Apple attitude now? Gone after their success. If they want to achieve better, they need to adjust their attitude.
Macbook Pro was the shit, but ipad and iphone 4 is a piece of shit. I believe in the near future, China will produce Orange and kick Apple's ass.
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