Saturday, September 18, 2010

What You Should Know About Blowjob

Obviously, this is not the blowjob I'm talking about!

For guys who enjoy blowjobs - you love getting blowjobs but your partner hate giving it? you must read my post =)

For guys/girls who enjoy giving blowjobs - you will love giving it more after reading my post =)

Must do list:
  1. Clean your cock up before you request for a blowjob! You've gotta clean every millimeters of it and make sure it does not smell funky!
  2. Make sure your partner accept blowjobs mentally and physically. The court can charge you in a rape case if he/she is not willingly to perform blowjob.
What to eat to improve the taste of your semen. This is not an art but more a science. Semen is made up of 90% seminal fluids including fructose (sugar) protein, and various trace minerals and nutrients, which composed of various proteins, vitamins, sugars, salts, cholesterol, and water. So what you eat can actually change the taste of your semen! So here is the food list:
  1. Pineapples, papaya cranberry, melons, mangos, apples and grapes which are high in natural sugars and offset the bitter taste
  2. Lots of lots of water to flush out body toxins
  3. High chlorophyll content vegetables such as parsley, wheatgrass, and celery
  4. Cinnamon, cardamom, peppermint and lemon can make your sperm taste sweeter too.
  1. Alcohol, caffeine, recreational drugs and nicotine
  2. Red meat, cheese and milk which make your semen taste salty
  3. Garlic and onions that content high sulfur - which make your semen smells like fart
  4. Cauliflower, broccoli and asparagus tend to make your semen taste heavier (although most of vegetables do improve the taste)
  5. Junk food that contains chemicals and preservatives.
And (hopefully) you will get this!!

p/s: For your information, I don't suck cock but I do talk cock.