Who is the problem here? The two headmasters.
What is the problem here? Bad communication between races and bad education.
Why should the Malays be angry with the act of these two headmasters? Because of these two racists, the other Malays are labeled as racists too.
Why many of the Chinese are angry with the act of these two headmasters and dulan the Malay as a whole? I don't know.. maybe because they see some uneducated Chinese people angry then follow become angry also? Peer pressure? LOL
My high school was a private Chinese school. Believe me, 90% of the teachers are racists! They look down on Malays, they attack other non Chinese school students, they label students purely with their academic result. My school is a fucking failure of the education. Not only it produced people like me who do nothing productive but talk cocks only, but also promoted racism among the students.
Here is the example how we got the racism peer pressure. Whenever one is hanging out with other races or praising them, he/she will be laughed by the peers and the teachers. "Aiyo, why you hang out with babi 1?" "No wonder you so stupid lar, hang out with low quality people!" "You got brain washed by them already lar... remember you are yellow color 1, child of the dragon ler.." "Walao, you like that girl ar? Need to potong 1 you know?? Don't make me laugh at you if you really potong!" These are just a few examples of the common phrases you usually hear.
When we ask these Chinese why are they being such a racist, 99% they will reply because the Malay make us a racist!! Walao, seriously how the Malay make you racist? You don't have your own ground 1 meh? People can easily "make" you accordingly 1 ar? They ask you to go back to China then you will go back 1 ar? If someone really tells me this on my face, I will ask him/her to prepare China visa and the flight ticket for me right now! Sorry it's not I don't want to go back, you cannot prepare for me also~~ Sigh......
Sometimes, I have to admit that we do have Chinese that are fucking racists. But isn't this situation apply to the Malay too? When a Malay hang out with Chinese, some peers might go against him/her too. Probably they'd say that the Chinese make them racist too.
So who's the real racist here? The Chinese or the Malay? Who makes who racist? Who makes who racist then racism back to the first "who"? Who make who racist then racism back here to racism back there again? This is a chicken-egg question. But what's more importantly, are you a racist? Stop racism back to those racists and accept them. Perhaps you will find Malaysia a better place to live in =)

Not only it produced people like me who do nothing productive but talk cocks only, but also promoted racism among the students.
I like this one!!LOL
but i actually like the school wor.. maybe i stay not long enuf?
yes.. who start it first? it's a chicken and egg question lo..
Awesome blog, great write up, thank you!
Good point, though sometimes it's hard to arrive to definite conclusions
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