Wednesday, August 4, 2010

TFK Posters

Please don't get me wrong - this is not a porn post. All the photos are censored in some way. At least you don't get to see their tits =)

Japanese are always famous for being creative and innovative. For the better life of men, they invented water-proof posters. So what are the usages of these posters?
  1. Put the poster in the bathroom! Wow, it's like having a shower with the hot chicks! Also sometimes, you get the feeling of getting stalked - which makes you feel really good.
  2. Put your plate of food on the poster so that you won't get your table dirty. You can enjoy the beauty of your favorite pornstars even when you're eating! And she's protecting your property!
  3. Paste it on a tray and serve beers with it. This can help the guys to get drunk faster as your blood will flow faster with the help of the posters.
  4. Apply lub on it and rub your thing with it. Use your imagination and you will get great satisfaction. Lub and protein-like-stain can be washed off easily.
Wow having the posters waterproof, we can actually use the posters for many occasion. Use your creativity, perhaps you can find greater satisfaction with it? I love Japanese!!!


Jean said...

your blog really so many varieties hor.. talk bout everything, talk cock! i like.. hehe...

kj 凯捷 said...

provide you a lot of knowledge okay??

bender said...

ROFL where did u find these!

Anonymous said...

hahahahah!!!! (aalice)