Monday, November 22, 2010

Yea, We're so Living Facebookly

Mark Zuckerberg should probably get awarded Noble Prize for inventing Facebook that change our life so drasticall, just like how Edison changed our life with light bulb. Here are something examples how we are living facebookly:

You are not my friends until I fucking add you in my facebook!! - If facebook were invented by then, Rachel would not be friend with Ross, Chandler, Joey, Monica and Phoebe if she did not add them in facebook. This is probably why they stop producing this classic series because simply adding people in your facebook makes them your friends.

Don't know how to dump your girlfriend / boyfriend? Remove "in relationship with her/him" and be "single" on facebook - Seriously? Break up artists? They are so gonna lose their jobs. Removing "in relationship" status is the best way to announce that you've OFFICIALLY break up with that bitch/douche. We can avoid all the crying, begging and dramas with a simple click! And most importantly, you're announcing "HEY!! I'M SINGLE!!! PLEASE DATE ME~~~"

How we kiss good bye to DNA test and get things straight on family issues - Remember how Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker first encounter in Star War? This is so classic when Darth Vader reveals that he's Luke's father. But if facebook was invented then, Darth Vader could have added Luke Skywalker in facebook and added him as son. It will be a family reunion instead of a fight between two jedis. Darth Vader classic FML

No more curfew because your parents will always know what you doing at where - Yea that's right because your friends will always tag you and reveal your activities!! You, "I swear I was studying with Bob at his place until the next morning!!" Parents, "Yea right~~~ we saw your fuckface tagged this morning......." No lies, better life!

Getting red lights from your boss when he/she is emoing - Yes, your would want to check his/her status before you start working every morning. This is for the sake of your life during your employment in the company. When you read his/her status: "fucking emo now" or his/her game status "failed to reach level 2 ....again....", you know that it's not a good sign - just avoid your boss at all cost during work hours!

Lastly, enable us to stalk publicly through facebook - Yes, this is great because this avoid creepy stalkers stalk you at the street or at your house or at your work place. Just add them in the facebook, these stalkers can now officially have a good look at you. Just show them your party pics, your bikini pics, your activities and even your birthday - maybe you will get a surprise gift from one of them on your birthday, who knows??

Facebook, definitely help us to live better!! Ya~~~

1 comment:

bender said...

lol so true!

u gonna grow to be a pro blogger