Friday, July 9, 2010

Apple? Seriously? Think Twice!

I used to be an anti Apple dude because I hate learning new things. Also, in Malaysia, Apple is very expensive and it's hard to get fixed if there is a problem. After studying in US, I was exposed to all the benefits of using Apple - Thanks to extreme advertising and word of mouth. 3 years after brainwashed by Apple's hardcore fans and advertisement, I am a Apple's fan now and I am ditching my 17" giant ass Dell laptop! Now, I wanna buy a Macbook Pro!

Apple used to an underdog in Silicon Valley. In few years time, Steve Job turned his mini Apple into a giant Apple that is able to compete with giants like Microsoft! Apple dominated the laptop, phone, mp3 player and also undefined new gadgets (such as i-touch and i-pad).

I don't know what happen to Steve Job and his employees - perhaps this is what we called C-O-C-K-Y-N-E-S-S - Apple is producing SHIT product. Now have a look at Steve Job's genius plan!

Imat? Seriously? I know this is a joke but hey - why the hell you produce something bigger and producing less such as ipad? Ok perhaps this is the trend you are looking at. What about the latest iphone 4? Complains after complains about iphone 4 and the admins deny all these complains?

Yea Apple's moto was "Think Different" when they were the underdog. They take complains and critics like a man, challenge them with their next product. Where is this Apple attitude now? Gone after their success. If they want to achieve better, they need to adjust their attitude.

Macbook Pro was the shit, but ipad and iphone 4 is a piece of shit. I believe in the near future, China will produce Orange and kick Apple's ass.


Jean said...

wow! I love this article! good one!

JJ said...

Msia will produce Durian and kick everyone's ass!