Do you remember the cartoon "Pinky and the Brain" when we were young (not as if we are old either)? If you have ever watched one episode of this classic cartoon, I'm sure that you will never forget the catchy opening music "Pinky and the Brain, Pinky and the Brain..... One is a genius, the other is insane..." We all know that the Brain is the genius and Pinky is insane. The Brain invents super weapons and try to take over the world every night but Pinky, as insane as it shows, accidentally sabotages Brain's plan taking over the world in the end of the show.
But this is something interesting I saw yesterday from DamnLOL
In a common term (people with average IQ) -
Insanity - used to describe an abnormal behavior or a violations of societal norms.
In a genius term (people with high IQ like Albert Einstein) -
Insanity -Doing the same things over and over again and expecting different result
Most of us have the same routine everyday - go to work. And most of us expect different result from doing the same routine everyday - expecting to get promoted by working hard. Therefore, most of us fall into the category of being insane, according to Albert Einstein.
And on the other hand, we describe people who have abnormal behavior or violate societal norms as insane. Examples:
1. When Christopher Columbus sailed west from Europe to America, people that time thought that he's insane.
2. When Galileo Galilei claimed the earth is round instead of flat-shaped and the earth revolves around the sun, he was killed of being "insane".
3. When George Soros shorted US$10 billion against British Pound on leverage on September 16, 1992, people thought that he was insane. He ended up earning US$ 1 billion single day gain and a name of "The man who broke The Bank of England".
Okay enough of these examples because we know there are more of these examples that genius are thought be insane. This is because insanity and genius are closely related. Insane ideas and genius ideas can both be seen as insane but the genius ideas are the successful ideas and insane ideas are the failed ideas. That is just how realistic we are.
So is the Brain a genius or an insane? He does the same thing everyday. On the other hand, Pinky does crazy shit everyday. But both of them fail everyday, so both of them are considered insane?
But one thing is true, without having insane ideas, we cannot generate a genius idea because a genius idea is basically a successful insane idea. Therefore, let's start doing something insane! Stop doing the same shit everyday and dare to be different!
Advice: Dare to be different at your own risk...
lol the last photo really funny!
Nice one!
It's time to do something different if you don't wanna be insane!
Never watch that cartoon before leh.. is it good?
But I always agree that genius is insane.. =)
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